June 2019
In This Issue

Summer Tips for You and Your Family

Schedule Well-child Visits Now

Find Your Skin Cancer Risk Factors

Keeping Kids Safe in Summer

Schedule Well-child Visits Now

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change that requires more frequent well-child visits. Now is the best time to schedule them, as appointments are harder to come by later in the summer. Each visit includes a complete physical exam, to check your child's growth and development to find or prevent problems. Once your child reaches school age, they should have a checkup every year until age 21.

Well-child visits are available at no cost because they are considered preventive care visits. You can begin by reviewing the preventive care guidelines for you and your family based on age and sex. The provider will record your child's height, weight, and other important information. Hearing, vision, and other screening tests will be part of some visits.

At your well-child visits, you will get information on topics such as: sleep, safety, childhood diseases, and what to expect as your child grows. Talking about your child's growth is a good place to begin a discussion about your child's general health. Ask your provider about the body mass index (BMI) curve, the most important tool for identifying and preventing obesity. Your provider also will talk about other topics such as family relationship issues, school and access to community services. So schedule your child's checkup today.

Tip: Write down your questions and concerns and bring them with you to get the most out of the visit.